We offer the most reliable shipping services at lowest rates in the industry.
We deliver to every corner of every state, covering more than 27,000+ PIN codes across India.
We turn around your cash on delivery payments within just 48 hours!
Our tech-enabled network lets you keep track of shipments to reduce RTOs & losses.
We provide a dedicated account manager for first-hand assistance on shipments.
We offer quick onboarding and a straightforward dashboard with real-time tracking and full visibility.
Ecom Express offers end-to-end logistics solutions for businesses of all sizes and categories.
Comprehensive & economical solutions for small businesses that are just getting started with shipping.
Robust systems for growing businesses looking to challenge the status quo or expand their operations.
Tailor-made offerings to suit established businesses aiming to be at the forefront of their industries.
Enjoy super fast and easy onboarding.
No minimum recharge. Flexible charges based on order volume.
Rely on our speedy, digitised end-to-end operations.
Doorstep pickup within 24 to 48 hours.
Track your parcels in real-time on your dashboard.
Get three free reattempts in case of non-delivery.
Ecom Express is the best delivery service that we have used to date. They have an excellent delivery success rate and dedicated customer support. Their understanding of the importance of the customer experience has made a significant difference in both our experience as an online retailer and for our customers.
Ecom Express is… providing services much better than its competitors. The team… have been helpful and cleared our doubts and made the onboarding process smooth. We have seen excellent growth in our business. Our volumes have picked up significantly and we have seen good response from customers for our products and services.
Ecom Express is a strategic partner for us. The relationship over the last two years has been built on three pillars: quality of delivery service; excellent account management support and willingness to operate pilots; and technology and product feature upgrades. Their services have helped us to provide the best experience to our customers
Ecom Express services are consistent and their team is easy to work with. Their service is professional and they quickly respond to our needs and our end-customers’ needs. It has been a good experience with Ecom Express having demonstrated timely delivery performance and in a reliable manner.
Ecom Express provides excellent value to both Abof.com and our customers. The staff has an excellent work ethic, really understands the business and does an outstanding job. They have become a reliable and trusted partner in helping us manage the growth we experience annually.
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